Great start to 2016

15 Feb 2016

Here at Vantage we have seen a very successful start to the new year with some new business, and all of our clients up for renewal, re-committing to our services.

Firstly, we welcome Bright Spark Solar to our growing list of B2B and B2C clients. Based in Maidenhead, Bright Spark offers a range of innovative solar-powered exterior LED lighting solutions that provide free lighting for businesses and homes that can last all night. The PR campaign we have devised for them reaches both niche trade media as well as the national consumer press. Check out their website here.

We are also delighted to have a full suite of client renewals for another 12 months following a successful year of effective PR campaigns.

Health and safety equipment specialists, Bull Products, are just one company who is extremely pleased with our services and has renewed and also upgraded their contract to enhance their 2016 PR campaign.

Creators of award-winning commercial vehicle safety equipment, Sentinel Systems, and meteorological experts, Biral, have also re-signed with new campaigns well underway.

For more information on how we can help your business, with advice on a bespoke B2B PR package, please contact us by emailing or call us on 01600 715251.