Get your business noticed with email marketing

20 Apr 2018

Email marketing is a vital component that is used by millions of businesses across the world. With email ranked as the third most influential source of information for B2B audiences, it’s easy to see why the next generation is using this inexpensive, successful, easily measured and flexible marketing technique to get noticed.

So how do we define email marketing? Whether you use a B2B pr firm to do it for you or not, it’s an easy form of direct marketing that is sent with the purpose of building a relationship with prospective/previous/current customers to encourage loyalty and repeat business. Email marketing allows you to get immediate responses and track your return on investment while targeting a substantial number of people at the touch of button. With more than half of all internet users checking/sending emails daily, it’s no wonder that 86% of business professionals prefer email for industry communications.

Email marketing allows you to be creative and personal with your customers, luring them in with incentives and relevant information and all at a time that suits you. Using platforms like Mail Chimp, companies can design templates and emails that are eye-catching and attract the readers’ attention. Including lots of images and hyperlinks to your business’ website will direct users straight to the pages you want them to see, and analytics are available to review how each of your campaigns has done.

Wording in marketing campaigns is crucial, so subject lines and copy must be interesting and not contain wording that could send it straight into your customers’ spam folders. Be creative, be concise, and make sure that when your email lands in an inbox it’s worth the read.

If you would like help with your email marketing get in touch with one of our team today by emailing the B2B pr specialists at