27 Oct 2017

The Biral AOT-100 is an Aerosol Optical Tweezers instrument that is designed to hold microscopic droplets immobile in an optical trap for detailed analysis over an extended period. It is the ideal instrument for studying the atmospheric chemistry that takes place in cloud and mist droplets.

Professor Vicki Grassian’s group at the University of California in San Diego is using Biral’s AOT instrument for a range of studies of the diverse chemical reactions that take place between natural and pollutant particles, atmospheric gases and condensed water.

For example, oxides of sulphur produced by human industrial processes, as well as natural volcanic activity, is a major driver of much atmospheric chemistry and understanding what happens to other atmospheric components in acidified water droplets is immensely important in climate modelling. The Cavity Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (CERS) used in the AOT enables such complex reactions to be followed with excellent time resolution.

Professor Vicki Grassian is delighted with Biral’s AOT instrument commenting, “The AOT is an excellent research instrument for studies of the chemistry of individual droplets.  My students and postdocs are working hard to push the technique into new areas of atmospheric aerosol chemistry.”  

Looking forward, the group is intending to use the technique to study the interactions between aqueous liquid droplets and solid particles trapped inside them. This will focus on biological organisms likely to be found in the atmosphere and on sea spray, both of which are vitally important in understanding the effects of the atmosphere on climate.

Further information on Biral AOT is available from Biral on +44 1275 847787, email: or by visiting the company’s website at