14 Jan 2020

Infrared heating is a readily available heating solution offering various benefits for a healthier and more efficient home.

With all the options and different heating technologies on the market, choosing the perfect way of heating requires research. Faced with all the options, it’s easy to settle for the same type of heaters that former generations relied upon, and why 1.6m UK residents are still using storage heaters.

There are many different options to choose from, but all have their disadvantages. For example, gas heaters are known for decreasing oxygen in the air and releasing higher levels of carbon monoxide whilst air conditioners are notoriously expensive and often noisy to run.

Infrared heaters, on the other hand transmit natural heat in an efficient and safe way, say infrared heating experts Tansun. Unhealthy emissions and the smells that come with gas heaters and oil burners will be a thing of the past as infrared heating guarantees clear air with zero emissions and no odour.

There is research that suggests that infrared panels can help to reduce problems like mould and humidity, which affects around millions homes across the UK, and can improve or maintain air quality for those with allergies. Infrared also offers many other health benefits as when the body absorbs infrared heat it increases blood circulation, enhances the immune system and reduces joint pain and inflammation, the same effects as being in a sauna.

Unlike convection heaters, infrared heating has many other health benefits for the human body as it can help people with health conditions like asthma or bronchial ailments. This is due to its innovative heating technology which does not generate air currents that can increase dust circulation. With allergies on the rise, 12% of the UK suffers from asthma and more than 20% of the population struggles with allergies, all of which are made worse by staying indoors during the colder months and switching on inefficient heating systems.

Fresh air is also vital for a healthy living space, but ventilation can be very costly and creates heat loss if combined with a convectional heating system, especially in uninsulated homes where around 35% of heat loss is through the walls and 25% is lost through the roof. The remaining 40% is lost through doors, windows and the floor.

In contrast to traditional heaters, Tansun infrared heating products heat objects and people, while convection heating works at a much higher temperature and relies on hot air movement. This means that the heat loss becomes greater, as the hot air will disappear through the vents and windows. As infrared heating does not create air currents, it significantly reduces heat loss.

Infrared panel heaters should not be confused with traditional outdoor infrared heaters which emit a red glow, as they have been carefully designed to give off gentle healthy heat and no visible light or glare.

Further information is available from Tansun on 0121 580 6200, by emailing or by visiting the company’s website at