LinkedIn – a great business tool

28 Mar 2019

In the world of B2B, LinkedIn is an excellent channel to increase the visibility of a company’s brand and its products and services and here at Vantage we are frequently managing client accounts on a day to day basis. In fact, it is said that over 80% of users generate real business opportunities from the use of LinkedIn.

Here are a few tips for being more visible on LinkedIn:

  1. If you have not already done so, make sure you create a personal page for yourself and then follow other relevant people to expand your network.
  2. Create a company page and get all employees at your company to follow it. Once the main company page is in place, you can then make showcase pages to focus on the particular markets that you serve.
  3. Regularly post news items on the company page, always use pictures to increase impressions and add videos for even better results! And don’t forget to use hashtags so the message is seen as widely as possible.
  4. Once a post is on the company page, share the content on your personal page too for even greater reach.
  5. Increased followers of the company page only comes from attracting attention through your posts, but the more relevant people that the page administrator (you) follows, the greater the reach and follow backs. Using the search box you can filter and target people in various industries, sectors and countries.
  6. LinkedIn’s campaign manager also allows you to set a budget and either ‘sponsor’ a post you have done (allows you to target people not in your network) or create ‘sponsored content’ - an advert - also to target people outside your network.
  7. You should also join all relevant LinkedIn groups, and once accepted into these groups, post news items on these too.

With our feet firmly rooted in the B2B PR world, we know that LinkedIn is also a great place to post news and case studies from client trade PR programmes.

We hope this is helpful in your social media strategy. If we can help you in managing your LinkedIn account (we know it takes time that you may not have) or you would simply like to have a chat for some advice, please do contact the Vantage team - or 01600 715251.