23 Dec 2014

Luxonic has released an industrial, logistics and e-tail brochure that highlights the importance of energy efficient lighting in the industrial sector and the Luxonic luminaires that make this easily achievable. Luxonic is involved in numerous initiatives with various clients across the UK to help reduce power consumption and increase savings on running costs.

The brochure details many of their specially designed luminaires that provide energy efficient lighting solutions for racking aisles and open areas in large buildings that have multiple activities being carried out, often over 24 hour periods, that are typical in industrial environments. Aislelux® and Hi-Max® LED luminaires are among those featured as well as case studies that present dramatic financial and carbon emissions savings through investing in Luxonic lighting designs.

As designated ‘Carbon Trust Implementation Services Accredited Suppliers’, Luxonic Lighting demonstrate the substantial energy and carbon savings that are made through the application-focused lighting solutions they design and manufacture at its Hampshire based factory and offices. Significant advances in LED technology have seen Luxonic’s success spread into the industrial sector where large buildings still use inefficient lighting. Specialist lighting experts together with participating in various financing schemes allows businesses of all sizes to gain the financial and environmental benefits of Luxonic products.

Siemans Energy Efficient Financing (EEF) Scheme allows the monthly financing payments to be met by the resultant energy savings the project incurs. The Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECA) also encourages businesses to invest in energy saving plant and machinery by increasing cash flow through accelerated tax relief, allowing Luxonic to help businesses increase their green credentials and reduce running costs even when finances are readily available for immediate expenditure.

 Luxonic’s qualified lighting engineers carry out the surveys of the premises and present lighting scheme to calculate the achievable energy savings, associated costs and payback information to propose the best lighting solution for the client’s specific requirements. Designs use high-efficiency luminaires combined with specially programmed controls and sensors that adjust the outputs according to room occupancy and day light levels to maximise energy savings.

The brochure details the most suitable light fittings for ambient, chilled and cold store environments and the various additions to luminaires to meet the health and safety standards that certain industries, such as food production and distribution, demand. Featuring various case studies that highlight the energy saving capabilities of the Luxonic installations, the brochure presents impressive figures that justify investment in lighting technology. One such project is that for Cormar Carpets, carpet manufacturers based in Lancashire, which had its large production area lighting overhauled by Luxonic. The Hi-Max® product was installed for higher areas while the CRP ECODIM® was used in the lower level bays, and lamps with varying wattage were fitted according to the requirements for that specific area. A total of 761 luminaires replaced the existing 1007 fittings and with the same weekly operating hours an annual saving of £53,049 on running costs was made along with a reduction in CO2 of 320.7 tonnes a year.

Requests for Luxonic’s new brochure on LED lighting can be made on the company’s website