21 Jun 2017

Under the banner of ‘Protecting all air movement equipment’ and with a newly developed logostyle, RABScreen has just launched a brand new website

Using full screen images, the new website is very user friendly and easy to navigate illustrating how companies can save energy, time and money through the simple installation of RABScreen external filter screens to all air movement equipment.  

There are dedicated sections on chillers, air handling units and cooling towers which allow users to see which RABScreen versions to use and the mounting options available for each of these applications.  The benefits are enormous as a 1mm layer of dirt insulating coil fins can reduce efficiency by 21% and increase energy use by as much as 30%. 

There are several sections on the new website providing useful resources to users and specifiers.  The ‘Knowledge Base’ tab allows users to access frequently asked questions within which are some excellent technical data about not only the benefits of RABScreen external filters but also the effect on airflow, as well as the different types, sizes and shapes of RABScreen available together with useful information on how easily these screens are cleaned during general maintenance.

A ‘News’ section features a twitter feed and continuous newsfeed under a blog. Here there are several case studies showing the successful application of RABScreen used in chillers, on cooling towers, and within the NHS and at recycling centres.

The ‘Resource’ section on the website is devoted to the range of mounting options developed for RABScreen to make life simple for installers whatever the application.  There are a variety of practical and clever RABScreen mounting methods ranging from stainless steel grommets and magnetic mounting clips, to Velcro fastenings and bungee cords for wrapping the external screens around external condensers.  There are also a variety of rigid frames that can be used in conjunction with a galvanised slide bed for easy removal and maintenance, and the rigid frames can also be fitted with magnetic strip for fast fitting and removal.

Further information on the RABScreen filters is available from RABScreen on 01635 248633 by emailing or by visiting the new website at