Boost your business with e-newsletters

12 Jul 2018

Using e-newsletters for email marketing in business not only saves time and money but also keeps you in touch with your company’s contacts.

Having recently addressed the value of email marketing in business, it’s time to take a closer look at e-newsletters and how your company should utilise them. E-newsletters are a strategic and cost-effective way to stay in touch with large numbers of people while updating them with the important news that’s happening within your business.

According to 80% of professionals, email marketing drives customer acquisition and client retention. And with most business communications taking place by email, not even Facebook can compete with the results it can achieve.

By releasing a company e-newsletter as little as a few times a year, past/present/prospective customers are able to see how well your business is doing. Including information on expansion, winning sales contracts, recruitment, award wins/nominations or even charity work makes the news more personable and attracts customers back to your website. All the progress can be monitored through platforms like Mail Chimp, and can be personalised to go to as many or as few contacts as possible at a time of day that suits you.

Sending out e-newsletters is a simple and versatile way to get people looking at your business. Be creative, personalise them and have fun designing a layout that is the right fit for your company. At Vantage, our B2B pr specialists design and distribute regular e-marketing campaigns for clients in a number of industries. If you would like to chat about how email marketing can work for your business, email one of our team today on