PR vs Marketing – is there still a difference?

16 Aug 2018

PR and marketing used to be two different practices, but in recent years have starting working together and are more integrated than ever before. Marketing is all about having strong content in all the right places whilst PR will get people looking at it.

So what is the difference? PR and marketing are perfect partners, and each concentrate on strategic approaches that promote a business. For example, marketing will focus on a company’s products and services while PR builds relationships, creating a public image and making the business known to the media outlets.

The marketing process also includes research, business development and corporate ID, while the PR teams work on pitches, upcoming events, articles and blog ideas and distributes them to the media. Marketers use paid media to reach their audience while PR material is used in publications and online in the form of press releases.

Marketing tactics can instantly change how a business appears online and to its target audience, and with the steady build-up of PR working alongside it is able to help businesses grow faster than when used alone.      

PR and marketing are each a great and valuable addition to any business, focusing on trends and revenue as well as raising brand awareness. So whether it is social media management, case studies, websites, press releases or rebranding, we use our industry knowledge to work out the right needs for your business.

If you would like to chat about how PR and marketing can work for your business, email one of our team today on