Social media working well for Vantage clients

27 May 2015

At Vantage we believe that a successful PR campaign extends beyond traditional strategies as we are becoming more and more involved in clients’ social media campaigns.

Though traditional PR is still at the forefront of our business, we understand the undeniable power of social and digital media with new technologies becoming a large part of our everyday lives. To us, social media is the ultimate way to enhance B2B PR campaigns, allowing a two-way interaction for our clients and their audience.

As a result of our passion and expertise in social media, we are now managing the majority of our clients’ social media accounts, including generating regular tweets and posts on their behalf as well as building up their profile.

In doing so we are increasing their company and product awareness amongst a wider audience that print media may not necessarily reach. We build and maintain relationships with customers, clients and journalists through regular social interaction whilst at the same time attracting new business. Ultimately this all works towards building a stable presence within their market.

We strongly believe that traditional PR and social media can work together and we encourage the social sharing of all known press coverage as this highlights the recognised success of their projects.

The uses of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn or whatever you may use are endless and different for each individual account and using our knowledge and experience we enjoy devising effective social media strategies tailored to each business. If you are looking to expand your PR strategy by introducing social media then get in touch to see how we can help you.