The benefits of blogging for business

24 Oct 2018

Company blogs are a huge opportunity to establish industry expertise and extend reach through social sharing. Not only that, but writing quality content regularly and covering what matters to customers is a must have tool in every marketing strategy.

At Vantage, the B2B pr firm, we help our clients with business blogging as it is an essential way to market a business. Regular updates increase visibility and brand awareness, so by not including news/blog features on a company website it puts the business at a disadvantage. Blog readers are potential customers, and websites with blogs are proven to rank higher in search engine results than those that don’t.

Businesses that use blogs get around 67% more leads than those without one, and 52% of users ranked blogging as their top marketing tactic. Research has found that people trust blogs and their content drives traffic to websites, and not only does it work better than advertising for some businesses, but it also beats the power of social media too.

If you would like help with keeping your website updated with fresh content to boost your SEO and keywords, get in touch with a member of our B2B pr team about blog writing for your business at