The importance of copywriting in a digital world

30 Aug 2019

As discussed in previous articles, a business’ website is the window into how it works and is many customer’s first glimpse at who a company is and if they would like to work with them. In order to make a website more user-friendly and interesting to users, copywriting is used to perform a variety of key functions.

Copywriting is needed firstly to attract visitors to a website, and once they are there the content needs to inform, convince them to become customers, as well as support a company’s overall SEO strategy with plenty of readable content.

In order to attract visitors to a website, companies must give people a reason to come to the site in the first place. Visitors want to read about what an organisation does and the services it provides, so having pages that discuss those topics — and others — not only gets people to a company website but also keeps them there.

In addition to attracting visitors, the copy should also inform users about topics related to the industry. The best way to educate site visitors is to create hyper-specific pages that talk about issues that are current within the industry. These pages should contain around 1000 words and discuss a topic in detail, that way the site is doing everything it should be to entice and keep its traffic.

Informing visitors has a number of benefits. It gives users the information they want, shows that the company is a reliable source and an authority in the industry and helps to build valuable relationships with people right away. That means every time they read something on your site, they’re one step closer to becoming a paying customer.

Websites are designed to encourage visitors to become customers. That’s the ultimate goal of any internet marketing strategy, including website copy. Specifically, the part of the copy that convinces visitors to become customers is the call to action (CTA).

A CTA is an essential part of all copy on the internet. It tells readers what they should do after they’re done on a page, which increases the chance that they’ll eventually become customers.

But not every CTA will deliver the same results. That’s why it’s important to experiment with calls to action to make sure they convert as many new customers as possible. That then reveals which CTAs work best and get better results on different pages.

It’s important to include a CTA on all webpages. They should be short, concise, and simple, and the focus of each CTA should be the verb. Even informational pages can include CTAs about what users can do next. Phrases like click here, contact us and continue are commonly used as CTAs.

However, more than one CTA per page can distract from a page’s overall goal or confuse the reader with contradictory instructions.

Strong copy also helps with a site’s overall SEO strategy. With copywriting, users can include as many keywords as they want to ensure qualified traffic is getting to a business website from search engines. Plus, the more a website is updated the more Google and other search engines will recommend it to their users.

Search engines like to see that websites are regularly updated with quality information. It tells them that the site is active and that recent and relevant information is available to search engine users.

Small and frequent changes to a company website with blog posts, articles, graphics, videos, and other content can go a long way in promoting a brand over its competitors. Especially if others in the industry aren’t updating or maintaining their own websites.

If you would like to discuss how regular or ad hoc copywriting services could benefit your company, get in touch with us today at to discuss all your B2B PR and technical PR needs.