The power of social media

28 Nov 2017

Social media is a minefield for even the most creative of people. The platforms are growing all the time, and it’s not just about Facebook and Twitter anymore, there’s LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and Google + to contend with.

We’ve already touched upon the importance of keeping your company’s social media pages relevant and updated, but often getting started and understanding what you should be doing is what businesses find the hardest.

As PR specialists, Vantage is here to help. We create a bespoke strategy that will help to generate leads and keep your business up there with its competitors. Important things to remember are:

-          Measure your brand awareness - Sharing content across social media will get more traffic going to your website. Interacting with publications and customers who may have thousands of followers will get you noticed in the right places.

-          Don’t spread yourself to thinly – Choose the platforms that are right for you and do them well. Be organised, well informed and consistent with what you do, and consider posting content in advance to save yourself some time.

-          Keep it personal – Be friendly and build yourself an approachable online presence that will keep visitors to your profile engaged. More engagements = more social reach and ultimately bigger exposure.

-          Paying for social media adverts and boosts are also a great tool for posts you want to get noticed. They are inexpensive to create, you can set your own budget and it will get your content in front of more people.


Social media is your online voice, and is ultimately one of the first things that come up when customers search for your business. If you aren’t up to date, don’t respond to your followers and are just too busy and overwhelmed by the many platforms and features available, then let Vantage take the strain.


If you would like more information on how we can help boost your business’ social media platforms then get in touch with one of our team today at