You can now find us on YouTube

30 Sep 2016

Here at Vantage, we are venturing further into digital marketing having created two new YouTube videos for our business.

Working with an external agency, we have embraced the power of YouTube in communications and have produced videos as an exciting approach to help businesses and business owners understand the great benefits of PR and our services.

Nick Brooks, Managing Director at Vantage PR commented, “We have never really used YouTube as a form of marketing for our business before but have always recognised the effectiveness and influence it can have, purely because it is a fun, interesting and modern way of communicating. We hope that it will help businesses across the UK to understand the positive effects PR can have on their company, and how we can help them achieve great results.”

The short clips raise awareness of Vantage as a company as well as the many ways in which we can help a business grow using many different approaches to PR. The videos also introduce our specialist Free PR Audit service, which is a great way of helping companies identify the strengths and weaknesses in their current PR campaign, or help companies that are looking to introduce PR to their marketing strategy to kick-start their campaign.

CLICK HERE to view our new YouTube channel, and watch this space for more exciting videos!