A busy few months of exhibitions!

31 Jul 2015

The autumn months see a very busy period for Vantage with an exciting line up of client exhibitions across the country.

Over the summer as a B2B PR agency, we have been preparing ourselves and clients for some of the most important exhibitions for their businesses and have produced several previews and articles to raise awareness of their presence at each show.

We will also be travelling alongside some our clients to some of the biggest shows in the trade, including GLEE, RWM and LuxLive to provide our press and promotional service on each client’s stands and will look forward to meeting with some of the top journalists from publications across each sector.

Nick Brooks, Managing Director at Vantage PR commented, “Exhibitions are extremely important to a business and can lead to some very significant specifications and projects. We not only recognise this importance but do our very best to enhance each client’s experience at their shows and offer them as much promotional and awareness as possible. We have excellent relationships with journalists and we like to invite them down to each stand and introduce them to our clients and their products and services which helps to raise their profile across a variety of publications.”

From now until the shows we will be busy producing press packs which will contain the latest news and projects for each journalist as material for future publications.