27 Jul 2017

Leading wildlife product and habitat designers, Wildlife World, have created a new premium range of high quality multi-purpose bird food for garden birds. 

The product comes in three varieties, one for bird tables and seed feeders, one for free flowing bird feeders and one for ground feeding species.

Food Mix 1 contains all kibbled peanuts, sunflower hearts and hemp, and no wheat or cheap filler is used to bulk out the food.

The kibbled peanuts are rich in essential oils and proteins and are coarsely ground to reduce their size and the risk of choking. Kibbled peanuts are loved by a wide range of species including great-spotted woodpeckers, blue tits and collared doves. Sunflower hearts are high in essential oils and calories and are suitable for a wide range of 'softbill species' which are unable to crack the husks of black sunflower seeds, making them perfect for goldfinches, siskins and great-spotted woodpeckers. Hemp could be described as a wild bird 'super food'. It is rich in oil and protein but also contains the highest level of fatty acids of any seed type along with minerals and trace elements for garden bird health. Hemp is a favoured by bullfinches, chaffinches and nuthatches.

Food Mix 2 is made with kibbled peanuts, black sunflower seeds, sunflower hearts, hemp and red millet.

Black Sunflower seeds are high in essential oil and calories. Shell-on sunflower seeds stay fresher longer than sunflower hearts and aid the flow of foods in the feeder. They are loved by blue tits, great tits, chaffinches, greenfinches, brambling, house sparrows, nuthatches and great-spotted woodpeckers. Red Millet is highly nutritious and is a particular favourite of tree sparrows. Other species that enjoy it include bullfinches, goldfinches, redpolls, siskins, reed buntings and collared doves.

Food Mix 3 contains kibbled peanuts, sunflower hearts, dried apple, dried mealworms and kibbled maize.

Dried apple is for species which are attracted to fruits and berries such as blackbirds, fieldfares, robins, song thrushes and starlings. This mix omits raisins often found in food mixes and these can be fatal to dogs. Dried mealworms are the larvae of the darkling beetle and are perfect for birds that prefer an insectivorous diet. Dried mealworms are also high in protein (53%) and fat (28%) as well as providing some fibre. They will attract a host of wild birds some of which are otherwise rare visitors to the bird table. These include: wrens, blackcaps, and dunnocks. Kibbled maize has high carbohydrate levels and oils and is usually eaten by larger bird species and some finches. Since it is not very attractive to smaller bird species, it is only included in this mix at a low percentage. Birds that enjoy this food include pheasants, collared doves, wood pigeons and house sparrows.

Wildlife World has a strong commitment to wildlife species and the environment, testing all of its products in-house to ensure that they are sustainable and safe for wildlife to use and digest.

Further information is available from Wildlife World on 01666 505333, by emailing info@wildlifeworld.co.uk or by visiting the company’s website at www.wildlifeworld.co.uk