08 Jun 2016

Wildlife World has created an effective way for garden centres to not only attract, but educate their customers on the conservation of bees and beneficial insects with its range of supersize working habitats.

The Giant Bee & Bug Biome and Solitary Bee Hotel have both been adapted from the company’s best-selling, original products which are currently stocked in garden centres across the country. The supersize editions have been recognised for their impact and ability to capture customers’ interest whilst demonstrating a working habitat for solitary bees and other beneficial insects. Standing 1.5m tall, the two habitats are designed to be a great, eye-catching way of educating customers on how they can help the conservation of beneficial garden insects. 

In placing these giant products outside or near the entrance of a garden centre, customers are wowed by the size and aesthetics of the product and are prompted to look at the original or similar wildlife conservation products in-store. Children are particularly amazed by the products as they are able to watch solitary bees and insects in and around the habitats which can help them to understand their nesting routines and habits. In seeing these working habitats, customers can see just how effortless it is to provide a safe home for species, such as solitary bees, lacewings and ladybirds, which all play an important role in our gardens.

Norman Sellers, Managing Director at Wildlife World, commented “We originally designed the Giant Bee & Bug Biome and Solitary Bee Hive for schools as they allow young children to easily observe the nesting habits of the insects, though we soon recognised that they would also be an exciting and attractive product for the garden centre and retail industry. They are very large in size and unusual which makes them very intriguing and we hope that they will encourage people across all industries to show an interest in the conservation of nature.”

The Giant Bee & Bug Biome takes its design from Wildlife World’s original award winning normal size product. The biome offers a variety of habitat types to attract many different insects, including solitary bees, ladybirds, lacewings and other beneficial garden insects that are vital in the pollination in gardens. The nature of the biome encourages its owners to provide a suitable habitat for species using the nesting tubes and logs which can also be used for observation during the hibernation months and all year round.

Wildlife World’s Giant Solitary Bee Hive is also based on an existing product that has proven popular as an effective habitat for the species. Especially designed for solitary bees, the nesting tubes are precisely sized to attract non-swarming, friendly bees including the Red Mason, Leafcutter and other types of solitary bee, as they are naturally attracted to holes in wood unlike other larger species including the Bumblebee. Solitary bees are safe around children and pets, as they do not sting making this particular product suitable for garden centres which often see groups of families visiting for the day.

The two giant habitats are designed and tested at Wildlife World to ensure they are safe and beneficial to the insects. Handmade in the UK, the products are made using sustainable FSC certified timber and natural water-based paints and sealants to prevent any exposure of chemicals to the nesting species.

Further information is available from Wildlife World on 01666 505333, by emailing james@wildlifeworld.co.uk or by visiting the company’s website at www.wildlifeworld.co.uk