Do businesses really need SEO?

12 Dec 2018

The answer is yes. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is vital to improving search engine rankings and increasing the quantity and quality of the traffic to your website.

After a query is entered, the search engine displays links to the pages it considers to be the most relevant and authoritative. Authority is measured by the number of and the quality of the links from each of the web pages, so content has the potential to rank higher if it has other web pages linked to it.

Search engines, the SE part of SEO, have crawlers that look for indicators of how suitable a piece of content is to the search. The crawlers aim to give users searching online the most relevant results and send what they find back to the search engines so they can build a list of the best matches for the query.

The O in SEO, optimisation, can take many forms. It's everything from making sure that each page’s title tags and Meta descriptions are informative and of a good length to pointing internal links at other web pages. Other considerations are keywords, headlines, images and content which all contribute to the overall ranking of the website. By utilising SEO as much as possible, businesses can use it as a way to tell a search engine what the website includes to make sure it is ranked highly.

At Vantage, the B2B pr firm, we want our clients to have the best online presence possible, and work with our partners to ensure that businesses are fulfilling the three main factors that contribute to a high ranking website. These are website content (making sure it is high quality, relevant and updated regularly), PR (creating backlinks from strong domains to your website) and of course SEO.

If you think your business could benefit from our experience and support in any of the three areas, get in touch with one of our B2B pr team on