Social media marketing and digital marketing are not the same thing

20 Jun 2019

Digital marketing is using the internet, social media, search engines and other channels to reach customers and promote a business. Many people consider social media marketing and digital marketing to be the same thing, but in reality it is only a small part. Here are the key areas and what they mean for a business.

Social media marketing

This is when platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are used to spread the latest news within a business at any one time. They are ideal for helping companies to interact with current/potential customers and for getting attention with creative marketing campaigns.  

Social media updates - Most of what can be achieved on social media is free, but can be time consuming.  Posting regular updates involves taking the time to be consistent in order to make the most out of the platforms. Creating business accounts or pages will accumulate followers, and as the posts are seen and shared it will assist in the growth of a business.

Paid updates - To guarantee posts are seen, many businesses resort to paid advertising. This feature is good for gaining quick insights that produce instant reach to the maximum number of users.

The advantage of using social media marketing is that it is fast, keeps a business up to date with the latest trends and there is less pressure on the content. Unlike digital marketing where it is vital to create informative and well structured content, social media platforms are much more laid back and only require small snippets of information.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is the building of awareness using multiple channels. It involves creating a presence on a variety of digital platforms and is crucial in helping a business to grow. To ensure a company is making the most of being online, there are a number of strategies it should be using.

SEO (Search engine optimisation) – SEO is used to help a website rank higher in the search engine results and to increase the traffic to the website. It is very competitive, but by applying SEO techniques a business can get alongside or ahead of competing sites offering similar services. There are two major parts to search engine optimisation, these are On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.

On page SEO - The optimising of a website’s performance, speed, relevancy and user experience.

Off page SEO - This refers to techniques that can improve the position of a website in search results. These include quality link building, content marketing, guest blogging and much more.

Email Marketing - The building of strong relationships through email. Email campaigns are sent by businesses on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to inform customers about new arrivals, promotions, discounts etc and keep them engaged with what is going on in the company.

Digital advertising - An effective way of promoting a business with sponsored ads, such as Google ads, which are then put out on websites, social media or emails. This strategy is perfect for instant business growth and also allows a company to target users based on their age, group, ethnicity or demographics.

PPC (Pay per click) - Another way of search engine advertising, PPC is briefly described as an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their adverts.

These are all areas of digital PR that we can intimately advise on and assist with as a truly leading and innovative technical PR agency. All that you need to do is get in touch with us at or call 01600 715251 to speak with one of our team.