Trade shows or a year of PR – How to keep the leads coming in

18 Mar 2020

Trade shows are still a massive part of B2B life, with many businesses attending/visiting at least a few every year to research the competition and get leads for their sales teams to follow up.

But what if you can’t get there? Many trade shows in 2020 have been postponed or even cancelled due to Coronavirus, and the ones which are going ahead have seen footfall greatly reduced meaning for a lot of the visitors taking the time to go there it has been wasted. So how else can a business attract leads?

Creative marketing can help businesses to make up for the loss, and fortunately, for those who don’t feel being creative is their forte there are agencies like Vantage around to do all the creative thinking and hard work for you. For a fraction of what it would cost a company to exhibit at a show, we can create a bespoke and targeted PR and marketing plan that will get your organisation in front of all the right people and keep those leads coming in.

Using high quality press information to draw new and current customers in, we can help with the writing and distributing of press releases, updating of social media, SEO and website work through to email marketing and event organisation.

By putting in place a consistent PR campaign with an outside source, you are investing in experts that not only know the field but also have the time and experience that a company will not have. Unbiased copy is the best way to get the leads coming in, as discussed in our previous news post outsourcing press releases.     

A good trade show can cost a business thousands of pounds to attend, with everything from transport, hotels, employee wages and the stand racking up huge expenses. While many will find attending these events beneficial, most people would agree that attendance has decreased rapidly over the years and the amount a company needs to put in ahead of time isn’t always worth the effort. Whilst as PR professionals we would always encourage regular visits to events, many organisations believe the money can be better spent in other areas, like marketing.

For the cost of a trade show, a company can pay for a PR campaign for a year, and get their name in all the relevant media both online and in print sometimes in excess of 100 times over the course of the 12 months. PR can also help with exhibitions by making the most of your attendance and involving the media wherever possible.

These are all areas of PR and marketing that we can intimately advise on and assist with as a truly leading and innovative technical PR agency. All that you need to do is get in touch with us at or call 01600 715251 to speak with one of our team about your budget and what you think your business could benefit from going forward.