Biomass boilers

Windhager UK is the exclusive UK agent for the world's leading wood pellet biomass heating system manufacturer Windhager. The company directors have been providing full technical design, customer support and distribution of Windhager products in the UK since 2002. Vantage PR and Windhager UK work together to ensure the latter's continual presence in the publications of its key industries, including building trade, housebuilding, heating & plumbing and energy & environment.

Technical press coverage gained in relevant market sectors (Pham news) for client in renewables industry A press event organised by Vantage. Attended by editors and journalists for the opening of a new biomass training facility.

Having not undertaken any form of public relations or advertising previously, the reputation of Windhager UK was based on a complete commitment to quality and a high level of technology public relations. The company’s growth was based on personal selling and hosting HETAS courses for solid fuel engineers as well as continual in-house training programmes. The company also participates in several exhibitions each year such as Ecobuild and The Homebuilding & Renovation Show.


Vantage PR, the B2B PR specialists, has extensive technical knowledge in Windhager's industry and expertise in working with the key media that the company was looking to target. Since starting the account in October 2009, we have provided Windhager UK with a range of public relations support services which has led to considerable coverage within the company’s core markets.

As well as an on-going technical PR campaign comprising corporate and company news stories, press information regarding new product launches and case studies on significant installations, Vantage PR has also provided additional support outside the campaign. A four page A4 company newsletter containing the latest company news has been produced and developed to inform both new and existing customers, containing information on grants, government schemes, courses and training.

Windhager’s frequent exhibition attendance to promote its boilers has strong public relations support through preview press releases prior to the events announcing launches and products exhibited. We compile press packs for visiting editors and organised meetings on the Windhager stand to introduce editors and journalists to the company and its products.

Vantage PR has also organised a press visit to Windhager Austria, inviting four key editors within the building, heating and renewable industries sectors to go to Windhager's headquarters in Seekirchen and visit the production plants on site. The trip led to a number of exclusive features and editorials regarding the company and its products.

The company's expansion and move to new premises in July 2012 was naturally also supported by Vantage, with key industry journalists invited and attending to gain full coverage in the UK trade press.

With the more recent launch of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for the domestic market, Vantage has extended its PR campaign for Windhager into the consumer media for the education and awareness of the benefits of biomass energy in the home.

biomass boilers, renewable energy client, training centre, this and HETAS course promoted in the press

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